
7 Strategies to Handle Covid Re-entry Anxiety

7 Strategies to Handle Covid Re-entry Anxiety

Many are finding the return to socially interactive situations a huge trigger for worries and stress. Facing and overcoming our fears provide us with tremendous growth and fulfillment opportunities. Here are some simple strategies that can help.

Holiday Cheer vs. Holiday Fear: How to Go Above the Overwhelm

Holiday Cheer vs. Holiday Fear: How to Go Above the Overwhelm

We are all faced with a myriad of challenging life circumstances, enough to make anyone feel anxious, insecure or overwhelmed. The truth is, we are not here to simply live a life of stillness and stagnation. To taste real satisfaction and freedom, we are here to overcome, grow and transform. So how do we deal best with times of great stress and stay connected to joy and peace along the way?

How to Support Your Mate with Depression, Anxiety and Disorders

How to Support Your Mate with Depression, Anxiety and Disorders

When I work with couples in my counseling practice, time and time again, I see one or both struggle with some kind of anxiety, depression or other mental health disorder. While not a deal breaker by any means, unresolved mental health problems can lie at the heart of couples’ greatest friction and disconnection.

Overcoming Anxiety Disorders and Depression

Overcoming Anxiety Disorders and Depression

If you’ve ever suffered from depression and/or anxiety, or love someone who has, then you know intimately how one’s mental well-being profoundly affects the quality of every aspect of life, and those near and dear as well. Brewing for decades, my wish for this article is singular and precise: to empower anyone who suffers from anxiety and depression to heal themselves and find greater meaning through the overcoming process.

Empowering Our Kids for Back to School... and Beyond

Empowering Our Kids for Back to School... and Beyond

With school about to start, what can we do as parents to help SUPPORT and EMPOWER our children with tools they will need to make the best of their young lives.