9 Secrets to Thriving as a Woman

Thriving as a woman has been misunderstood since time immemorial. It's not about pleasing others, being the perfect wife and mother.  It's beyond being smart, having a good reputation, working day and night, or having the perfect body It doesn't matter whether we're married or have kids and it has nothing to do with "just being lucky." 

There is a system to achieve true happiness and it's meant for EVERY WOMAN. When we learn what it takes to tap into our True Selves, then we are empowered to create a life of fulfillment beyond what is typically expected to achieve. And then we are not only thriving, but we become a beacon of Light for others. Then, and only then, can we be truly happy.

A Thriving Woman Is a Happy Woman Because She...

1.     KNOWS WHO SHE IS In body and soul—and isn’t afraid to be who she is!

In Body: Because women are connected to the earth in a particularly powerful way, we need to care for and live grounded in our bodies - more so than men. A thriving woman understands her body, cares for the gift she has been given.  She listens to her rhythms and cycles. Knows her patterns regarding moods.  Knows the kind of rest she needs in order to stay happy and balanced. The more we listen and learn – to our own bodies, to the wisdom that is available about a woman’s health and cycles, the more empowered we are to thrive and be happy.

In Soul: The human tendency is to ‘not deal’ with whatever is uncomfortable, unpleasant, confusing, painful. The more we listen to the whisper inside of us about what is real, about who we are, about what we need to face – the more we can live from our true self and do that which fulfills us. Knowing who you are requires a continual process of revealing the shells and masks that cover who you really are. Breaking these ego shells, is it a painful process? Yes. But the Light behind these shells is how our true power and self-esteem can be revealed and ENJOYED!

Hormones are the truth serum. Whatever it is that you have not dealt with in your life, the universe wants you to do so, therefore, aren't we lucky?! We as women have been given the gift of cycles. What we have shelved and avoided, what we typically cannot even see as a problem, will more likely surface between ovulation and our period. If we still don’t address it, we might develop seasonal affective disorder to help us; then if we still don’t take care of the issue, then no worries, menopause will hit us good and strong.


The women we admire most have a goal for the sake of something bigger than themselves. For a woman, it is essential that she actively takes steps to find and live what she feels in her soul she is meant to do in and around the world. She is willing to make sacrifices to reach her goals, and yet here she finds her greatest fulfillment. She knows that true sharing with another human being, with no agenda, is the highest form of greed.

If she is not clear about her purpose, she allows time for silence, listens, takes simple actions, is willing to seek guidance and take risks to find and live her purpose. She makes this a priority.


She is independent–emotionally, spiritually and I dare say even financially. While she may be a devoted wife and mother, she doesn’t need someone or something outside of herself to be happy. Nothing outside of ourselves will change, until we change ourselves.- Yehuda Berg

She lives the "Change Me First” consciousness. She fights the battle of entitlement, living in touch with what she needs to change, where she is the problem. She welcomes opportunities to transform, including criticism and seeing her garbage. She takes risks. She takes responsibility for being HAPPY WITH HERSELF ~ AND HER LIFE.


She has compassion and self-love; strives to know her radiant essence; not afraid to be who she is; can tolerate mistakes; she knows what brings her happiness and is proactive to make that happen. 

Appreciation is a lifelong, moment to moment endeavor. A thriving woman actively grows her appreciation for the people and blessings she is given - she recognizes and runs away from the plague of entitlement when it infects her mind.


A woman must listen to her feelings, and yet not let them rule her life. Suppression is dangerous, and yet so too is believing that our emotions are who we are.  A balanced woman knows her limits, has good boundaries, especially with energy drainers. Her focus is on "how can I share with other" and knows when she needs to replenish in order to give from a place of wholeness. She knows the difference between caring for someone and trying to please them. She knows her priorities: her relationship with her Self first and foremost, then her marriage, then her children.

6. A THRIVING WOMAN LIVES WITH CERTAINTY AND TRUSTS THE GOOD in all things, especially life’s challenges.

She strives to see the big picture of her goals and what matters most, and puts effort to not get stuck in the little details of "he said, she said" or "I don’t have this or that."  She knows how to let go of control and truly receive life’s blessings. She is confident, yet knows that she must remove the "I” – the "it’s all about me and coming from me” way of thinking - to be truly successful.


Many of us have an illusory idea that life should be easy. It can’t be easy for the rewards and fulfillment to be real. Challenges are essential and the only way to rise to our next level of self-esteem, impact and deep happiness. We are stronger than we realize and the moment we shift our thinking to appreciating and accepting the challenges for what they really are, that is the moment we begin to rise – higher than ever before.


Don’t ever underestimate the power of your women friends. Allow yourself to open up with them - this is how women learn.  From each other! Give yourself permission to prioritize these connections, especially with those friends who are genuine and don’t just tell you what you want to hear. Be that kind of friend yourself and you will thrive.


As the 12-step saying goes, "You have to do it yourself, but you don't have to do it alone." While independence is the goal, we cannot get there without support. We have so many blind spots and set intentions and objectives that are filled with limitations of what we are truly capable of. Finding a counselor, a spiritual teacher, a coach – whomever you are drawn to who is THRIVING, who is filled with Light, who has achieved what you aspire to achieve and has overcome their own limitations of the ego – this is a great place to start. A thriving woman is not afraid to ask for help!